Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Song-ography - Shake It Off, Taylor Swift

"Shake It Off, Taylor Swift"
"And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, baby.  I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake I shake it off."
I'm what might be what is considered odd.  I know, hard to believe, but work with me here. I do not always conform to society's norm and I like the things I'm 'not supposed to.'
This led to a lot of bullying when I was younger and sadly I let the bullying define me as a person.
As a mother I an determined that the same thing will not happen to my daughters.
So I am teaching not to let the opinions and hurtful words of others define who they are.  I am teaching them to shake it off."



  1. Be true to yourself! Easy to say but hard to live by. Great image which goes so well with the song.

  2. That's a great thing to pass on. I think we all carry around the wounds of what others have said about us.

    1. Thank you. Yes, it never truly leaves you.

  3. Good for you, teaching your daughter about these things, and as a bonus she won't be bullying others.

    1. Thank you. Hopefully, however this year we had a small issue with her being encouraged by another friend to exclude a classmate from their group. She was given a stern talking to and reminded that everyone deserves respect and you should always do your be3st to be polite and kind to others. I think/hope we nipped it in the bud.

  4. Such a hard thing to learn, but it winds up making life so much less stressful. A wonderful lesson to teach your daughter. Thanks for linking up to Song-ography.

  5. Same here... I have worked very hard to give my kids 'power' in their differences so they can embrace being themselves



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